
Medical Herbs Catalogue



otanical: Plumbago Europaea (LINN.)
Family: N.O. Plumbaginaceae
Synonyms: Leadwort. Dentallaria.
(French) Dentelaire.
Parts Used: Root, herb.
Habitat: China, Southern Europe, and cultivated in England in hot-houses.

Description: A half-hardy herbaceous climbing, half-shrubby plant, with large trusses of pale-blue flowers, which are in bloom continuously through the summer. This variety is also known under the name of Plumbago Capensis, and is greatly used in German gardening.

Constituents: Plumbagin, a crystallizable acrid principle obtained from the root.

Medicinal Action and Uses: It is acrid, and when chewed creates a free flow of saliva, particularly if root is used; said to be of benefit to relieve toothache, and has long been used in France for that purpose, hence its name, dentalaire; also useful for itch - a decoction of the root in olive oil is much used.

Other Species: P. Zeylanica is said to be a strong diaphoretic.