Poplar, trembling

Medical Herbs Catalogue


Poplar, trembling

otanical: Populus tremuloides (MICHX.)
Family: N.O. Salicaceae
Synonyms: American Aspen. White Poplar. Quaking Aspen.
Part Used: Bark.
Habitat: North America.

Description: This tree does not grow well in Britain, but in America it grows up to 100 feet in height. It has a pale yellowish bark on the young trunk and main branches; broadly ovate finely-toothed leaves averaging 1 3/4 inch long and wide, and having fine hairs on the margin.

The bark should be collected in spring. It has a bitterish taste and no odour.

Constituents: The bark probably has similar properties to that of Populus tremula of Europe, i.e. salicin and populin.

Medicinal Action and Uses: Febrifuge and tonic, chiefly used in intermittent fevers. It has been employed as a diuretic in urinary affections, gonorrhoea and gleet. The infusion has been found helpful in debility, chronic diarrhcea, etc. Is a valuable and safe substitute for Peruvian bark.

Dosages: Fluid extract, 1 drachm. Of salicin, in intermittents, 10 to 30 grains. Of populin, 1 to 4 grains.

Other Species:
P. grandidentata, the large Aspen, is said to have more activity and bitterness.

P. candicans is also used.